
Have you just typed “the best estate agents near me” and you have landed here or are you looking to give praise for a job well done? Well this is the bit where our customers get to tell us and everyone else who is considering going to the very best estate agent in Ashford – exactly what you think of us and our service!

We know that when you decide to sell your home, everyone you know who’s done the same thing wants to give you their Ashford estate agent recommendations. Of course, opinions will always vary – but we want you to know that if they sent you our way, their opinion is absolutely spot on – and we’d love for you to share your experience with others.

We don’t just read these testimonials to give ourselves a big head of course; we know that no one is perfect (although we’re so close it’s scary), but we love to receive your feedback so that we can constantly hone and improve our service to make sure we’re always giving our customers what they want.

Because, for us, that’s what it’s all about!

So, if Stevens is YOUR Ashford estate agent recommendation, now’s your chance to shout it from the metaphorical online rooftops. Let everyone know who you are and how we helped you! Did you work closely with one or two or our local property experts in general? If you did, give them a shout out (they love that!), and let us know what in particular impressed you. 

If you’ve been reading our fabulous customer reviews and have decided that we are the local estate agents and all round property experts for you, why not Contact Us for a friendly and informal chat, or book a valuation. 

If you’re thinking of making Ashford your home, or are looking to move to one of the surrounding villages and want to make sure it’s right for you, check out our fab local guides, which will tell you everything you need to know before you take the plunge!

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